estate planning is hard on clients, make it easy

Offer your clients an automated online planning experience. Rest's intake & onboarding software enables you to remain competitive as the industry moves online.

low commitment beta
estate planning specific
no setup required
24/5 support

Rest allows estate planning attorneys to offer an online planning experience


Rest collects financial information more naturally.


Hosted on AWS using SSL protocol and encryption of secure data.


Time and money on pre-retention outreach.


With more billable hours for new and existing clients.
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Personalization makes a difference

We focus on creating a simple, yet elegant online experience to make estate planning more accessible. We believe that personalizing the experience gives you greater control over meeting each new and existing customer’s needs, hopes, and wants.

Send client data to practice management and drafting  software

Rest is engaging with leading integration partners to make your administrative work disappear

Get Rest Today

Take your customer experience online.