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July 25, 2024
2 mins

Rest Partners with InterActive Legal, Reinforcing Dedication to Drafting Providers

Interactive Legal’s robust API will allow attorneys to delight their clients with an online planning experience

Los Angeles, CA—July 23, 2024 —Today, we are thrilled to announce our integration with InterActiveLegal, a leading provider of automated document drafting and assembly systems for estate planning and elder law attorneys. This partnership will enable attorneys to connect Rest’s client experience offering with advanced drafting solutions.

InterActive Legal’s system, founded by esteemed Trusts and Estates attorneys Jonathan G. Blattmachr and Michael L. Graham, is renowned for its comprehensive productivity and automated document drafting capabilities. This integration will empower attorneys to deliver efficient, customized, and accurate estate planning services, enhancing client satisfaction and practice efficiency.

"Integrating with InterActive Legal marks a new, significant milestone in our mission to distill the complex financial and legal products of estate planning into something more straightforward and affordable. All with attorneys along the way," says Chris Barbaro, Founder of Rest.

"Interactive Legal’s robust API will allow attorneys to delight their clients with an online planning experience."

InterActive Legal offers a range of planning systems tailored to various needs, from essential estate planning to sophisticated wealth transfer and elder law planning. Their systems provide the tools necessary for attorneys to develop personalized plans that consider all client variables within current legal frameworks, ensuring high-quality document creation and client outcomes.

About Rest 

Rest is a software platform used by estate attorneys to transition their planning experience online. Rest offers features to enhance client interactions and manage client retention more efficiently. For more information, please visit

About Interactive Legal

InterActive Legal provides estate and elder law attorneys with an advanced document drafting system, extensive continuing education, and a supportive community. Founded by industry experts, InterActive Legal offers comprehensive solutions to tackle the challenges of modern estate planning. For more information, please visit

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